Narodna banka Srbije, 27. mart 2009.
Narodna banka Srbije je bila organizator Četvrte godišnje međunarodne konferencije ''Naučne mreže za monetarnu istoriju jugoistočne Evrope'' – SEEMHN1. Nakon uspešno održanih konferencija u Sofiji (BNB) 2006, Beču (OeNB) 2007. i Atini (BoG) 2008, konferencija ove naučne mreže je održana 27. marta 2009. u Beogradu. Na skupu je učestvovalo preko trideset predstavnika centralnih banaka, ekonomista i ekonomskih istoričara iz jedanaest zemalja Evrope – Austrije, Bugarske, Engleske, Francuske, Grčke, Nemačke, Rumunije, Rusije, Slovenije, Turske i Srbije. Narodna banka Srbije je članica ove naučne mreže od njenog osnivanja i njeni predstavnici su učestvovali na svim njenim prethodnim konferencijama.
Glavna tema Konferencije bila je ''Ekonomska i finansijska stabilnost u jugoistočnoj Evropi u istorijskoj i komparativnoj perspektivi''. U okviru četiri sesije (Finansijska stabilnost i monetarna politika, Finansijska stabilizacija u međuratnom periodu, Poslovni ciklusi i finansijska stabilnost, Hiperinflacija i stabilizacija) prezentovano je sedamnaest stručnih radova (Program konferencije ).
Zbornik radova sa Konferencije
Economic and Financial Stability in SE Europe in a Historical and Comparative Perspective : conference proceedings, Fourth South-Eastern European Monetary History Network (SEEMHN)
ISBN 978-86-85277-28-3
- Common factors in South-East Europe’s business cycles 1899 - 1989
Matthias Morys, University of York
Martin Ivanov, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
- „What did guide investors decisions” during the classical gold standard era? The case of Ottoman Empire, 1880-1914
Ali Coskun Tuncer, LSE and Ondokuz Mayis University
- Financial stability, monetary autonomy and fiscal interference: Bulgaria in search of its way, 1879-1913
Kalina Dimitrova, Bulgarian National Bank
Luca Fantacci, Bocconi University, Milan
- Monetary conditions in the Kingdom of Serbia (1884-1914)
Branko Hinić, National Bank of Serbia
Milan Sojić, National Bank of Serbia
Ljiljana Đurđević, National Bank of Serbia
- Banking crisis in Germany and the first step towards recovery
Martin J. Pontzen, Deutsche Bundesbank
- Charles Rist and the French missions in Romania 1929-1933. Why the „money doctors“ failed?
Dominique Torre, University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis - GREDEG - CNRS
Elise Tosi, CERAM Business School
- Finance and development in Southeast Europe in the interwar period
Kiril Kossev, University of Oxford
- The National Bank of Romania during the years of the Great Depression – 1929-1933
Elisabeta Blejan, National Bank of Romania
Brîndusa Costache, National Bank of Romania
Adriana Aloman, National Bank of Romania
- Slovenian banks during Great Depression
Žarko Lazarević, Institute for Contemporary History, Slovenia
- Historical Archives of Societe Generale and economic stability in South-Eastern Europe. Presentation and new perspectives of research
Xavier Breuil, Historical Archives Société Générale
- Foreign long term government loans of Serbia 1862-1914
Dragana Gnjatović, Faculty of Geo-Economy, Megatrend University
- The economic and financial stability in Turkey: a historical perspective
Yuksel Gormez, Central Bank of Turkey
Serkan Yigit, Central Bank of Turkey
- Foreign financial capital as the catalyst of Serbian economic development before the Second World War
Vesna Aleksić, Faculty of Geo-Economy, Megatrend University
- World financial crisis and behaviour of short-term interest rates – international and domestic aspects
Đorđe Đukić, Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade
Mališa Đukić, Belgrade Banking Academy, Union University
- Do the new EU member states form an Optimum Currency Area with the eurozone? Evidence from six Central and Eastern European Countries
Dimitrios Sideris, Bank of Greece and Panteion University
- Essentiality of money and money demand in explosive hyperinflation
Alexandre Sokić, Pôle Universitaire Léonard de Vinci
- Serbian foreign exchange market during 2004-2008
Mario Jovanović, Ruhr-University Bochum
1«Naučna mreža za monetarnu istoriju jugoistočne Evrope» – SEEMHN (South Eastern European Monetary History Network) osnovana je aprila 2006. godine na inicijativu centralnih banaka Bugarske i Grčke. Okupila je predstavnike centralnih banaka, ekonomiste i ekonomske istoričare s ciljem unapređenja znanja o ekonomskoj istoriji regiona, u kontekstu evropskog iskustva, s fokusom na finansijsku i monetarnu istoriju. Takođe, u okviru naučne mreže osnovana je radna grupa – SEEMHN DCTF (Data Collection Task Force) za formiranje baze podataka zemalja u regionu o finansijskoj i monetarnoj statistici 19. i 20. veka.