Палата Народне банке, изграђена у стилу неоренесансног академизма, представља једно од највећих и најлепших остварења у Београду у 19. веку, због чега је сврстана у споменике културе под заштитом државе...
The NBS informs the public that today the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government in Kosovo and Metohija did not allow the entry of the shipment of dinars intended for the payment of wages, pensions, social benefits and other income to Serbs in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija.
In accordance with the years-long practice, an NBS vehicle transporting dinars came today to the Jarinje administrative crossing, where the cash shipment was supposed to be taken over by the vehicle of the Henderson company that is licensed for cash-in-transit services by the provisional Priština institutions. However, the NBS vehicle was returned from the crossing without any explanation.
The dinars in question were headed for the NBS treasury vault in Leposavić.
The NBS condemns today’s incident most strongly and urges for the immediate annulment of the discriminatory, unlawful and unprecedented measures introduced by the provisional institutions in Priština in order to disable the transport and distribution of dinars to Kosovo and Metohija and thus deprive the Serbian population of basic conditions for life.
Governor’s Office