Палата Народне банке, изграђена у стилу неоренесансног академизма, представља једно од највећих и најлепших остварења у Београду у 19. веку, због чега је сврстана у споменике културе под заштитом државе...
Citizens who due to poor health or other justified reasons are unable to personally take the one-off cash assistance worth EUR 100 from the special-purpose account in banks and “Pošta Srbije“ can do so via their authorised persons, in banks, based on a one-off power of attorney.
To enable such payouts, on 20 May the NBS passed the Instruction on the Method of Payment of One-Off Monetary Assistance to Adult Citizens of the Republic of Serbia from Special-Purpose Accounts.
In line with the Instruction, a bank will pay out money to the person authorised by the user, based on a one-off power of attorney. Payouts for users under legal disability will be made to the authorised person by inspecting his/her document proving the authorisation to handle the user’s assets. The personal documents of both the authorised person and the user will also be inspected at a bank.
The power of attorney can alternatively be given in the form printed along with the Instruction (Annex 1), as determined by a bank or in free form, in which case it must contain the data from the form and need not be certified by a notary.
To prevent fraud and misuse, a bank may check the authenticity of the power of attorney by remotely communicating with the user and the contact data of the authorised person (by calling the telephone number of the person authorised under the power of attorney in the presence of a bank’s officer).
Governor's Office