Палата Народне банке, изграђена у стилу неоренесансног академизма, представља једно од највећих и најлепших остварења у Београду у 19. веку, због чега је сврстана у споменике културе под заштитом државе...
Amid pronounced risk of the spread of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) contagious disease and the state of emergency declared on that account in the territory of the Republic of Serbia on 15 March 2020, the NBS has organized its work in special circumstances to enable smooth performance and continuity of all key functions. This, among other things, includes unhindered performance of payment operations, conduct of monetary and foreign exchange operations, and all other activities ensuring smooth functioning of the financial system and smooth performance of activities relating to the achievement of our objectives and functions.
At the same time, in order to ensure preventive health protection of our citizens, the following measures will be taken for the duration of the state of emergency:
Furthermore, with a view to preventing the risk of contagion and protecting public health, we recommend the following:
The NBS will continue to communicate intensively with commercial banks and other financial service providers in order to ensure adequate management of operational risk, while on our own premises we have taken health protection and security measures which are applied country-wide.
Same as before, financial service consumers can submit complaints about the work of financial service providers on the NBS’s internet address https://www.nbs.rs/internet/cirilica/63/63_1/index.html. With a view to protecting public health, we advise citizens to submit their complaints only electronically during the state of emergency.
The NBS remains open to citizens’ queries which should continue to be submitted to the email addresses of relevant organizational units, listed on the NBS’s website.
In the coming period, the NBS will continue to take all actions deemed necessary to protect the health of our citizens and employees, and to ensure conditions for unhindered execution of financial transactions, as well as to provide transparent information about those actions.
Governor's Office