Biography of Tihomilj Marković


Tihomilj Marković was born on 17 January 1849 in Belgrade to a merchant family. He completed the First Male Gymnasium in Belgrade in 1868. He studied law in Belgrade and Munich. After his studies, he took over his father's business, and in 1881 was elected the president of the Belgrade Trade Youth, holding that post until 25 March 1884.

From 1885 to 1901, he was a member of the Governing Council of the National Bank. By the decree of King Aleksandar Obrenović of 7 June 1902, he was appointed the Governor of the National Bank of the Kingdom of Serbia, serving two terms in office until 1912. As the Governor, he closely cooperated with the government, ensuring the stability of the dinar during the Customs War. He successfully concluded negotiations with the government regarding the extension of the Bank's privileges, which resulted in the adoption of the Law on the National Bank in 1908. From 1912 until his death on 2 April 1921, he was a member of the Governing Council of the National Bank.

From 1890, he practiced law and was engaged in charity work. He was one of the founders of the “Sveti Sava” Society, its treasurer and vice-president for a number of years. He also participated in the founding and work of the “King Dečanski” Society for deaf and mute children and children from the Home for Orphans and Abandoned Children. Appreciating his humanitarian activity and the reputation he enjoyed among Belgrade merchants, Nikola Spasić designated him the administrator of his endowment in his will in 1912.