Analysis and reports

In order to ensure transparency and better insight into the operations, financial position, structure and stability of the Serbian banking sector and to present activities and results of the central bank in the area of bank supervision, the Bank Supervision Department publishes quarterly reports on the banking sector.

Banking Sector in Serbia - quarter reports

Latest issue - IV Quarter 2019


Statistical annex

Latest issue - IV Quarter 2019

From Q4 2014, Statistical Annex available in Excel.


Analysis of Responses to the Questionnaire on Banks’ ML/TF Risk Management Activities

As of 2018, the analysis of responses to the questionnaire on banks’ activities regarding ML/TF risk management is published once a year and covers the period January-December of the previous year.

Reporting until 2018

Analysis I covers the period from October of the prior to March of the current year, and Analysis II covers the period from April to September of the current year.