
Results of Inflation Expectations Survey

According to the December Ninamedia survey, one-year ahead inflation expectations of the financial sector went down, from 3.9% in November to 3.75% in December, staying within the NBS target tolerance band of 3±1.5%. According to the January Bloomberg survey, expectations stayed unchanged for the third consecutive month, at 3.5%.

According to Ninamedia, short-term corporate inflation expectations posted an increase, from 4.6% in November to 5.0% in December, which is the average value around which they have moved since the start of the year.

Two- and three-year ahead expectations of the financial sector kept moving within the NBS target tolerance band, measuring in December 3.3% for two and 3.0% for three years ahead, lower relative to the previous month when they stood at 3.5% for both periods. Medium-term inflation expectations of the corporate sector decreased in the December survey, measuring 4.9% for two and 4.0% for three years ahead (a drop from 5.0% in November).

For the purpose of more transparent communication with the public, since May 2015 the NBS has been publishing regular monthly reports on inflation expectations of the financial sector, corporate sector, trade unions and households. The Report on the Results of the Inflation Expectations Survey and the accompanying materials (time series, methodology and the survey questionnaire) can be accessed on the NBS website, section Publications.

Economic Research and Statistics Department