News archive



176 documents found. Displaying 151 to 155.

The presentation of the Inflation Report, adopted by the Executive Board at its meeting of 8 February...

Date : 14.02.2024.

Author : Governor`s Office

Dinar household savings reached a new end-of-year high of RSD 138 bn at end-2023, continued dynamic growth in early 2024 and topped RSD 144 bn according to the latest operational data...

Date : 13.02.2024.

Author : Monetary and Fx Operations Department

Fitch has affirmed Serbia’s rating at BB+ (a notch below investment grade), with a stable outlook, citing the following rating drivers:
•    a credible economic policy framework in Serbia...

Date : 09.02.2024.

Author : Governor’s Office

Gross NBS FX reserves amounted to EUR 25,036.9 mn at end-January 2024, which is their highest end-of-month level on record...

Date : 09.02.2024.

Author : Governor’s Office

At its meeting today, the NBS Executive Board voted to keep the key policy rate on hold, at 6.50%. It did not change the deposit (5.25%) and lending facility (7.75%) rates either...

Date : 08.02.2024.

Author : Governor’s Office

176 documents found. Displaying 151 to 155.