The NBS Head Office Building was built from 1888 – 1890, on the basis of blueprints designed by Konstantin Jovanovic (Vienna 1849 – Zurich 1923), son to distinguished artist Anastas Jovanovic...
The National Bank of Serbia is obliged and authorized to perform enforced collection of claims by debiting any of the debtor’s accounts (dinar or foreign currency accounts), without the holder’s consent, based on enforceable orders (from tax, customs, court or other authorities), and payment orders (with regard to securities, bills and authorizations), in line with the prescribed order of priorities and the time of receipt within the same priority group. As of 30 September 2005, enforceable orders issued by the relevant authorities will be submitted to the organizational part of the NBS – Division for Receipt, Control and Entry of Execution Titles and Orders, Kragujevac, Branka Radičevića 16a.
Enforced collection of claims is executed pursuant to a number of regulations, the most important being: the Law on Payment Transactions, Law on Execution Proceedings, Law on Bankruptcy, Law on Bills, and by-laws – decisions, guidelines and instructions of the governor of the National Bank of Serbia.
The following debtors may undergo enforced collection:
Enforced collection is executed in dinars from all debtor’s accounts (dinar deposit and foreign currency accounts). If creditors are foreign natural persons or legal entities, the entire amount specified by the court is credited to the non-resident’s bank account in the dinar equivalent of the foreign currency debt.
Enforced collection is conducted in several phases:
Decisions and orders are executed through an exchange of electronic messages between the Enforced Collection Department and banks, by blocking the debtor’s personal identification number, which implies blocking of all bank accounts held by the debtor and banning banks from opening new accounts to such debtors.
Through the NBS web service system, interested parties can access the register of debtors in enforced collection and, for just four dinars per registration number, obtain information about their customers, suppliers, and business partners, such as whether they are blocked, the amount of the blockade, and the number of days of insolvency. The data always reflect the status from the previous business day and can be requested for at least one hundred registration numbers.