The NBS Head Office Building was built from 1888 – 1890, on the basis of blueprints designed by Konstantin Jovanovic (Vienna 1849 – Zurich 1923), son to distinguished artist Anastas Jovanovic...
The former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY) was one of the participants in the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference at Bretton Woods (1944), as well as one of the founding countries of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (WB). On 14 December 1992, the IMF Executive Board recognised the dissolution of the SFRY and terminated its membership in the IMF, while at the same time determining the conditions to be met by successor states in order to join the IMF and succeed the membership of the SFRY. The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia received a 36.52% share in the assets and liabilities of the SFRY in the IMF.
On 20 December 2000, the IMF Executive Board took a decision coming into effect retroactively on 14 December 1992 (Press Release No. 00/75) that the FR Yugoslavia had met the conditions required for joining this institution.
After the Republic of Montenegro seceded, the Republic of Serbia inherited the international legal personality of the former State Union of Serbia and Montenegro and continued its membership in international financial organisations.
On 21 July 2006, the IMF confirmed that the Republic of Serbia is the continuing state of the former State Union of Serbia and Montenegro (Press Release No. 06/161), as well as that it continues its membership with the existing quota of SDR 467.7 million and retains all rights and obligations stemming from this membership.
The Governor of the NBS serves as the Serbian Governor to the IMF, while a Vice-Governor of the NBS serves as the Alternate Governor to the IMF.
The Republic of Serbia has been a member of the Swiss constituency, a voting group through which it exercises its voting power in the IMF and the WB since December 2000. This constituency is composed of Switzerland, Poland, Serbia, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. In 2009, a meeting of the Swiss constituency members was held in Belgrade.
Regular cooperation between the Republic of Serbia and the IMF is conducted in the form of annual consultations under Article IV of the IMF Articles of Agreement. These consultations represent a statutory obligation of its members, based on which the IMF assesses the economic situation in a country and the adequacy of its economic policy measures.
The IMF’s comprehensive quota and governance reforms entered into force on 26 January 2016, which allowed for a doubling of IMF quotas under the 14th General Review of Quotas and a major shift in quota shares of the IMF members (Press Release No.16/25).
On 10 February 2016, Serbia settled its obligations to the IMF arising from its quota increase from SDR 467.7 million to SDR 654.8 million. Owing to this, the volume of potential financial assistance under future arrangements with the IMF has been proportionately expanded.
From 2000, cooperation between the Republic of Serbia and the IMF took place under the following arrangements:
On 9 December 2024, the IMF Executive Board approved to the Republic of Serbia the third, 36-month Policy Coordination Instrument (PCI) (IMF Press Release No. 24/458, NBS Press Release of 9 December 2024).
The new programme builds on the SBA, which ended successfully in December 2022, and represents the continuation of successful cooperation of the Republic of Serbia and the IMF. It is also an additional confirmation of the macroeconomic results achieved by Serbia so far, including a stable monetary policy, responsible management of public finances and commitment to structural reforms. The programme is an advisory instrument, intended for countries pursuing robust and credible monetary policies, and does not envisage the use of IMF funds.
The purpose of the agreed programme supported by the PCI is the preservation of macroeconomic and financial stability, continued implementation of public investments, maintenance of fiscal discipline and a further external debt reduction. It also aims to encourage inclusive and sustainable growth in the medium term by implementing an ambitious programme of structural reforms. Special emphasis was placed on further strengthening the resilience of the energy sector and creating conditions for implementing major investments in this area.
When making the decision to approve the three-year PCI, the IMF praised the successfully implemented measures within the SBA, which contributed to the achievement of Serbia’s excellent macroeconomic results. It was assessed that responsible fiscal policy, sustainable monetary stability and significant progress in the implementation of key reforms are indicators of the Serbian authorities’ strong commitment to sustainable economic development. Despite the challenging circumstances, the fiscal deficit and public debt were reduced, while inflation was brought back within the NBS target tolerance band. At the same time, Serbia recorded strong economic growth, labour market stability and record levels of FX reserves. The financial position of the state energy sector has been significantly strengthened, while reforms in the management of public investments and state-owned enterprises have yielded significant results. Also, the financial system is assessed as stable, which, together with the achieved economic results, contributed to Serbia being granted its first-ever investment grade by S&P Global Ratings in October 2024.
On 19 December 2022, the IMF Executive Board approved to the Republic of Serbia a 24-month Stand-By Arrangement (SBA), in the equivalent of 290% of Serbia’s quota (around SDR 1.89 bn or around EUR 2.4 bn), to support the agreed economic programme (Press Release No. 22/447, NBS Press Release 20/12/2022).
The SBA replaced the PCI, building on the performance and reform agenda, with appropriate modifications to macroeconomic policy accounting for the current global challenges. The objectives of Serbia’s economic programme supported by the SBA focus on maintaining macroeconomic and financial stability by adjusting the policy stance to current economic shocks, strengthening the economy’s resilience to the energy crisis by pursuing an appropriate energy policy and reforms in order to address challenges in the domestic energy sector and protect the most vulnerable categories, and encouraging high, ecological, inclusive and sustainable growth in the medium run by implementing comprehensive structural reforms.
When making the decision on approving the SBA, the IMF Executive Board concluded that Serbia built a strong track record of solid macroeconomic performance, supported by the IMF under the PCI. The country rebounded quickly from the covid pandemic, and the authorities embarked on a well-paced consolidation path to rebuild buffers. The key risks include global inflationary pressures, a weak growth outlook of key trading partners, and high energy prices, despite Serbia’s still strong macroeconomic policies. The Serbian authorities have already put policies in place to mitigate these risks, and are building additional buffers given the current conditions, which will be supported by the SBA. NBS monetary tightening in light of the pass-through of global inflationary pressures was assessed as timely and adequate, while restrictive monetary and fiscal policies were seen as necessary to keep inflation in check and maintain relative stability of the dinar exchange rate.
Within the SBA, the funds worth SDR 949.46 mn (145% of the quota) were drawn in two tranches and used for budget financing in accordance with the Law on Regulation of the Republic of Serbia’s Obligations to the International Monetary Fund in Respect of the Use of Funds under the Stand-By Arrangement Approved to the Republic of Serbia by the Decision of the International Monetary Fund’s Executive Board of 19 December 2022 (RS Official Gazette No 10/2023) and relevant Government’s conclusions. Owing to the results achieved and continuous stability of economic indicators in the country, starting from the second review of the programme, the arrangement has been treated as a precautionary arrangement (one review earlier than expected at the time of approval), and since then the available funds have not been used.
The first review under the SBA was successfully completed and the consultations under Article IV of the IMF’s Articles of Agreement were concluded on 28 June 2023 (IMF Press Release No. 23/242, NBS Press Release 28/6/2023).
The second review under the SBA was successfully completed on 21 December 2023 (IMF Press Release No. 23/464, NBS Press Release 21/12/2023).
The third review under the SBA was successfully completed on 8 July 2024 (IMF Press Release No. 24/257, NBS Press Release 8/7/2024).
The fourth and last review was successfully completed on 9 December 2024, which is when the PCI was approved (IMF Press Release No. 24/458, NBS Press Release 9/12/ 2024).
On 18 June 2021, the IMF Executive Board approved to the Republic of Serbia a new 30-month cooperation programme supported by the Policy Coordination Instrument (PCI) and concluded regular 2021 Article IV consultation (IMF Press Release No. 21/189) (NBS Press Release of 18/6/2021).
The new programme builds on the previous one, which successfully ended in January 2021, and represents the continuation of successful cooperation through a partnership created with the IMF. It is also an additional confirmation that Serbia pursues a successful and credible economic policy. As the previous one, the new programme is of advisory nature and does not envisage the use of IMF funds.
The purpose of the new programme is to support Serbia’s economic recovery from the negative effects of the pandemic. Concrete objectives defined by the agreed macroeconomic programme support the economic policy and reform agenda of the Republic of Serbia. They build on the reforms implemented and the results achieved so far, and envisage:
In making the decision on approving the new cooperation programme, IMF Executive Directors commended the Serbian authorities’ strong policy response, which cushioned the impact of the pandemic and set the stage for an economic recovery. They stated that the accommodative monetary and financial sector policies remain appropriate and that the central bank supported, with its extraordinary measures, economic activity during the pandemic. Moreover, inflation is low, the exchange rate is stable and inflation expectations are well-anchored. As assessed by Executive Directors, the banking system remains stable, liquid and well-capitalised. They particularly lauded the plans concerning further support to dinarisation and improvement of the capital market.
The first review was successfully completed on 20 December 2021 (IMF Press Release No. 21/392, NBS Press Release 20/12/2021).
The second review was successfully completed on 27 June 2022 (IMF Press Release No 22/230, NBS Press Release 27/06/2022).
The third review was successfully completed on 19 December 2022, when the PCI was replaced by the SBA.
The programme supported by the Policy Coordination Instrument which the IMF approved to the Republic of Serbia in July 2018 was successfully concluded in January 2021.
The programme built on the precautionary Stand-By Arrangement which Serbia successfully concluded in February 2018. It was approved for a 30-month period, was of advisory nature and did not envisage the use of funds.
The aim of the programme was the maintenance of macroeconomic and financial stability, continuation of structural and institutional reforms to encourage faster and inclusive growth, creation of new jobs, and improvement of the standard of living. Though the programme had to be adjusted due to the pandemic, i.e. its focus shifted to the preservation of corporate and financial sectors and the protection of citizens, its key objectives were successfully achieved.
Serbia faced the crisis in a much more favourable macroeconomic position than the previous crises. It boasted vibrant economic growth, low and stable inflation, eliminated fiscal imbalances, significantly reduced external imbalances, and record high FX reserves of the country.
Owing to strong economic foundations and large-scale measures of economic policy makers, as well as the favourable structure of the economy, which now relied less on contact-intensive sectors, including a relatively high share of agriculture and the food industry, the economy declined by merely 0.9% in 2020.
In the course of the programme, significant progress was achieved in terms of modernisation of the Tax Administration, strengthening of the public investment framework and fiscal risk monitoring and management.
An an environment of an unprecedented shock in recent history, the IMF assessed that the responsible approach to leading the country and policy formulation and implementation was enabled by the robust and adequate response in the form of comprehensive and timely support measures for businesses and citizens, without prejudice to price and financial stability. The IMF also concluded that the National Bank of Serbia’s response was timely and robust, aimed at preserving the liquidity of the banking and financial sectors. The National Bank was resolved to make sure that financial conditions remain stimulating for businesses and citizens, with a view to enabling fast and vigorous economic recovery of the country.
Progress in the implementation of the agreed economic programme was monitored through five semi-annual reviews. The IMF Executive Board stated that throughout its duration, the programme was being successfully implemented, as also confirmed by the fact that the decisions on the successful conclusion of the reviews were made even without formal meetings of the IMF Executive Board, which is an opportunity used when assessed that a formal discussion is not needed in light of good macroeconomic results and solid implementation of economic policy measures.
The IMF Executive Board assessed that in the coming period Serbia should accelerate the implementation of structural and institutional reforms to ensure faster convergence to EU income levels. The medium-term reform priorities should include further development of the capital market and improvement of governance.
The PCI is a new IMF support mechanism available to all IMF members. It is of advisory nature and does not envisage the use of funds. It is designed for countries seeking to demonstrate commitment to a reform agenda and is agreed in order to obtain support for an economic programme, when the country has no current or potential balance of payment issues.
Republic of Serbia Successfully Concludes the Three-Year Stand-By Arrangement with the IMF
The three-year stand-by arrangement approved by the IMF to the Republic of Serbia on 23 February 2015, worth SDR 935.4 mn (around EUR 1.2 bn) was successfully concluded on 22 February 2018. By implementing the agreed economic programme, Serbia has attained the objectives concerning the achievement of macroeconomic balance, by ensuring the sustainability of public finance, improving the resilience of the financial sector and strengthening competitiveness and economic growth.
The arrangement was precautionary, meaning that Serbia had no intention to use the funds approved, unless in the case of balance of payments needs. During the arrangement, eight reviews of the agreed economic programme were conducted, which the IMF Executive Board assessed positively. The funds available were not drawn.
The results achieved under the economic programme largely exceeded the expectations. Economic activity recorded steady growth and real GDP is higher than before the world economic crisis, reflecting rising investment, exports and employment. Robust fiscal consolidation was implemented, yielding results much better than expected, owing to firm control of current expenditures and sound revenue collection. Within three years, the general government deficit turned into a surplus, thus securing a stable fiscal position and creating the basis for macroeconomic stability. Significant progress was also achieved in the field of structural reforms, strengthening the growth potential of the Serbian economy, along with job creation and a reduction in fiscal risks. Cooperation with the IMF under this arrangement also resulted in a higher FDI inflow and an upgrade in the country’s credit rating.
During the arrangement, the NBS pursued cautious monetary accommodation in the inflation targeting regime, monitoring the signals from the international environment and the domestic market, thereby giving a key contribution to the country’s economic recovery. Low and stable inflation and financial stability have been achieved, along with the relative stability of the exchange rate, all of which significantly boosted confidence in the domestic market. Interest rates on dinar borrowing were reduced, leading to a rise in lending activity and investment.
Financial sector reforms have increased the resilience of banks, bringing them into a much better position to support the real sector. The measures aimed at reducing the NPL share in total loans, implemented by the NBS in cooperation with the Government, produced excellent results – the NPL level was more than halved compared to 2015. The reforms of state-owned financial institutions are underway. The NBS has begun to implement Basel III standards, thus further reinforcing the central bank’s supervisory function, in accordance with standards of the ESCB.
The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) approved a three-year financial arrangement with FR Yugoslavia (FRY), the so-called Extended Arrangement for SDR 650 (about USD 829 million) to support the FRY's economic program of stabilization and reforms in the period 2002-2005 (Press Release No. 02/25 of May 13, 2002).
The approval will enable the FRY to draw SDR 50 million (about USD 64 million) immediately, when the Arrangement goes into effect on May 14, 2002. The funds provided through the Extended Arrangement would be drawn in 13 tranches of SDR 50 million, subject to the bi-annual economic programme and structural reforms performance criteria assessment.
The new financial arrangement was approved due to achievements and good results of the economic program and structural reforms set in the Stand-by Arrangement of June 11, 2001 as well as sustainable economic stabilization and reforms program of FRY for the period 2002-2005. The core medium-term economic program goals include: achievement of sustainable economic growth, improvement of citizens' living standard, lowering the inflation rate and father strengthening of country's foreign currency reserves. Key reforms will be implemented in the area of foreign exchange market liberalization, improvement of domestic payment system, enforcement of bank supervision, fostering of tax administration and stepping up the privatization process.
The approval of the Financial Arrangement with the Fund will enable FRY to realize the first phase of lowering of FRY external debt towards the Paris Club Creditors amounting to 51%, i.e. about USD 2 billion, in line with the Reconciled Memorandum On the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia's Debt Consolidation, signed on December 28, 2001.
Following the Executive Board discussion, it was announced that 'the IMF commends the FRY authorities on the impressive achievements in stabilization and reform since late 2000, when the FRY succeeded to membership in the Fund.' It was also said that the authorities medium-term economic program, supported by the Extended Fund Arrangement, aimed to achieve further progress in stabilization while providing for the restructuring and investment needs of the economy. The authorities were advised to firmly implement the program in order to keep FRY on a path towards durable growth and external sustainability. The authorities were also commended for demonstrated commitment to reforms in macroeconomic, monetary and fiscal policy and impressive speed with which they moved to implement key structural reforms. It was noted that the authorities' medium-term fiscal policy framework is consistent with achieving lower inflation and fiscal sustainability, cautioning, however, that it was critical for the fiscal sustainability to improve tax administration and streamline expenditure through improved efficiency in the delivery of services and better targeting of benefits.
The IMF welcomed further liberalization of the exchange system which paved the way for the acceptance by FRY of the obligations under Article VIII, Sections 2, 3 and 4, as well as firm intention of the National Bank of Yugoslavia to closely monitor developments in the foreign exchange market and to keep exchange rate policy under close review.
O June 11th 2001 te IMF Executive Board has granted a stand-by loan to the FR Yugoslavia worth 200 million SDR (approximately USD 249 million) as a means to support the Federal Government’s economic programme (Press Release No. 01/31 June 11, 2001).
On that occasion, Mr. Stanley Fisher, First Deputy of the Managing Director and Acting Chairman said:
“The FRY authorities have embarked with impressive speed and commitment on the extremely difficult task of reconstructing their devastated economy. Maintaining this momentum will be key to building broad political support for the reform and securing its sustainability.”
He also stressed that progess toward sustainable growth and external viability would require strong support from creditors and donors and that the Donor Conference on June 29 would provide the international community the opportunity to demonstrate its support by commiting program and project assistance in line with FRY estimated needs.
FR Yugoslavia was immediately granted further 50 million SDR (approx. USD 62 mil). The remaining part will be available in three equal instalments each worth 50 mil. SDR, following the evaluation of the quarterly economic programme performance indicators as was agreed with the IMF.
The results of the stand-by arrangement implementation are monitored quaterly on the basis of the accomplishment of the previously agreed upon quantitative performance criteria (net foreign reserves of the NBY, net domestic assets, borrowings of the consolidated general government from the banking sector, raising of new non-concessional foreign loans by the public sector, and prevention of sccumulation of new arreas under foreign debt servicing), as well as of the structural measures in the fiscal, financial and private sector.