Main data on payment institution

TRANSAKS d.o.o. Šabac

Šabac, Gavrila Principa bb 
Information on the location of payment institutions and their outlets can be found on their websites.
Business registry number:21150860
Tax identification number:109259762
Telephone:063/7 200 100
Date and number of decision:09/06/2016 NBS Executive Board No 59
Type of payment service: Fund transfers from and/or to a payment account, in one of the following ways: (1) credit transfers, (2) direct debits, including one - off direct debits, (3) using a payment card or similar means Money remittance services

See:Financial statement
Branches in third country

Members of managing bodies and directorsData on persons having a qualifying holdingHolding (%)
Ljilja Pavlović (director and manager)EL&MI Group d.o.o. Beograd-Novi Beograd100.0%