
AIK Banka owner of Sberbank Srbija a.d. Beograd as of today

As of today, 1 March 2022, Agroindustrijska komercijalna banka AIK Banka a.d. Beograd is the owner of Sberbank Srbija a.d. Beograd, as it acquired 100% ownership of the latter bank’s shares. The transaction was realized based on the agreement on the acquisition of shares, concluded yesterday between AIK Banka and the National Bank of Serbia.

For the sake of reminder, in view of the newly emerged circumstances relating to the operation of the hitherto EU-based shareholder, the National Bank of Serbia first adopted a decision to initiate resolution procedure in respect of Sberbank Srbija, which enabled a direct sale of the bank’s shares by the central bank. 

As a result of the transaction, Sberbank Srbija ceased to be a member of the banking group led by Sberbank Europe AG, Vienna, Austria, and has become a part of a strong domestic banking group with high capitalization and robust liquidity position.  

Governor's Office