Valid from   29/07/2024   until publication of the following price list

Exchange of foreign cash for foreign exchange (EUR); prices expressed in currency for 1 euro.

CurrencyCirculating DamagedNon-circulating
203 - CZK25.64141425.77157425.771574
348 - HUF396.555556398.568528398.568528
414 - KWD0.3375630.3392860.339286
977 - BAM1.9558301.9558301.955830
985 - PLN4.3292934.3512694.351269

Exchange of foreign cash for foreign exchange in the same currency

CurrencyCirculating DamagedNon-circulating
036 - AUD0.9960000.9900000.985000
124 - CAD0.9965000.9900000.990000
208 - DKK0.9978000.9900000.985000
392 - JPY0.9970000.9800000.980000
578 - NOK0.9960000.9900000.990000
752 - SEK0.9960000.9900000.985000
826 - GBP0.9991000.9900000.990000

Prices are intended for banks that have several agreements concluded with licensed exchange dealers performing exchange transactions in the territory of bankʼs head office and several agreements on performance of exchange transactions, concluded with licensed exchange dealers performing exchange transactions outside of the territory of bankʼs head office.